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Making a PR to Nixpkgs


Rust-analyzer was updated recently to better support proc macros when working on nightly rust versions. I wanted to use this change right away but since I use NixOS I needed the nix pkg repo to update its version of rust-analyzer, so I can use it properly.

Edit: You don't need to make a pr to Nixpkgs just to update a version, they are other ways such as using overlays. Majiir on reddit goes over some options here

Since the version in Nixpkgs was out of date I decided it was time I finally learn how to make a PR back to Nixpkgs. So what follows are my rough ramblings of the process. Some of this is rust-analyzer/rust specific, some will be nix-build issues in general, and some will be Nixpkgs PRs in general.

The steps

For reference this is the PR I made.

Making the branch

The normal steps when working on an open source project still apply

  • Fork the GitHub repo into your account
  • Clone the fork locally

For nix one of the first "weird" steps is to try to check out the commit that you are using locally with the following

$ nixos-version --hash
$ git checkout 2b0dd45aca6a260762395ca2e94beab247f455a7
$ git checkout -b 'bump/rust-analyzer'

This way your local nix build cache is as up-to-date as possible.

Changing the nix file

This part will vary depending on the package but if your change is a version update like the one I made the steps are roughly the following.

  • Update any version/rev variable to be the desired value
  • change any sha variables to pkgs.lib.fakeSha256; or just 00000000000000000000000.
    • This will cause the build to fail but will print the right SHA value.
    • There are "better" ways to get the right SHA, but this is pretty brain-dead, so I usually go this route

Once those steps are done, you can try building the package. For rust-analyzer, this is done by running the following in the root of the nixpkg repo

$ nix-build -A rust-analyzer

This will build rust-analyzer and sym-link the output to ./result, so for my case I can run

$ ./result/bin/rust-analyzer --version
rust-analyzer 2022-08-01

Testing the build

While just running nix-build might be fine, some pkgs have automated tests. While they will be run in CI its good practice to run them locally.

For rust-analyzer there is this test-file that uses neovim to verify the LSP is running as expected.

To run this test I can run

$ nix-build -A rust-analyzer-unwrapped.tests.neovim-lsp

For this case if the ./result file is empty it worked as expected.


nixpkgs-review is a really handy tool to build a nixpkg pr and make sure all deps of a change still build properly.

To run it while developing you can run

$ nixpkgs-review wip

this will build all changes then give you a nix-shell to test out all the builds

If your changes are commited you can also run

$ nixpkgs-review rev HEAD

For the same effect.

Make the PR!

Do a double check over the contributing README and the submitting changes wiki pages to make sure you followed any extra steps.

Now you're good to submit the PR! Read over the PR template and once your PR has been submitted a bot will run tests and assign the appropriate reviews.

Handling feedback

One slightly weird rule is if you have to update the PR after pushing you should not add more commits.

To handle this you can make a new commit with the changes then run

$ git rebase -i HEAD~2 # the number 2 here assumes you only had one commit. If you have more do 1+(num commits)

# in the interactive rebase window change all but the top `pick` to `s` for squash
# this will squash all commits into one

# git commit —amend would also work

$ git push --force


You have now joined the ranks of thankless open source developers! Feel free to enjoy the dopamine of the PR being merged.

If you want some more nix posts I recently wrote a blog for my job on how to setup simple nix flakes.

IF you would like a more in depth video walking through this process this video by Jon Ringer is quite good!